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Grand Hyatt Scottsdale Resort - 7500 E Doubletree Ranch, Scottsdale
Sonesta Select Tempe Downtown - 601 S. Ash Ave, Tempe
AC Hotel by Marriott Phoenix Tempe/Downtown - 100 E Rio Salado Parkway, Tempe
AC Hotel by Marriott Scottsdale North - 15200 N Kierland Blvd, Scottsdale
AC Hotel Phoenix Biltmore * - 2811 E Camelback Rd., PHOENIX
Aiden by Best Western Scottsdale North * - 10801 N 89th Place, Scottsdale
Aloft Phoenix Airport - 4450 E Washington St, Phoenix
Aloft Scottsdale - 4415 N. Civic Center Plaza, Scottsdale
Aloft Tempe * - 951 E. Playa Del Norte Dr, Tempe
Andaz Scottsdale Resort * - 6114 N. Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Arizona Biltmore Resort - 2400 E. Missouri Ave, Phoenix
Bespoke Inn - 3701 N. Marshall Way, Scottsdale
Best Western Plus Innsuites Phoenix - 1615 East Northern Avenue, Phoenix
Best Western Plus Scottsdale Thunderbird Suites * - 7515 E Butherus Drive, Scottsdale
Best Western Plus Sundial - 7320 E Camelback Road, Scottsdale
Bixby Scottsdale * - 409 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale
Bright Angel Lodge - Grand Canyon,
Budget Suites of America - 2702 West Yorkshire Drive, Phoenix
Cambria Hotel & Suites North Scottsdale - 4425 E Irma Lane, Phoenix
Canopy by Hilton Scottsdale Old Town - 7142 E 1st St,, Scottsdale
Canopy Tempe Downtown - 108 E University Dr, Tempe
Cedars Resort Sedona - 20 Arizona 89A, Sedona
Chevron (Camp Verde) - 320 Castle Ln, Camp Verde
Comfort Inn & Suites Tempe Airport - 808 N. Scottsdale Rd., Tempe
Comfort Suites Talking Stick - 9215 E Hummingbird Ln, Scottsdale
Courtyard Marriott Salt River * - 5201 N. Pima Road, Scottsdale
Courtyard Phoenix North/Happy Valley * - 2029 W. Whispering Wind Drive, Phoenix
Courtyard Scottsdale Old Town - 3311 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale
Crowne Plaza Phoenix Airport - 4300 East Washington Street, Phoenix
Days Inn and Suites Scottsdale North - 7330 N Pima Rd., Scottsdale
Detours Arizona - ,
Doubletree Resort Paradise Valley * - 5401 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale
Doubletree Suites Phoenix Airport - 320 N 44th Street, Phoenix
Doubletree Tempe * - 2100 S. Priest Dr., Tempe
Drury Inn & Suites Phoenix Happy Valley - 2335 W Pinnacle Peak Rd, Phoenix
El Tovar - Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon
Element Scottsdale at SkySong - 1345 North Scottsdale Road , Scottsdale
Embassy Suites - Biltmore - 2630 East Camelback Road, Phoenix
Embassy Suites - Tempe * - 4400 South Rural Road, Tempe
Embassy Suites Scottsdale * - 5001 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale
Enchantment Resort - 525 Boynton Canyon Rd., Sedona
Extended Stay America Hotel Phoenix - Biltmore - 5235 North 16th Street, Phoenix
Extended Stay America Scottsdale - 10660 N. 69th St., Scottsdale
Extended Stay America Scottsdale North - 15501 N. Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Extended Stay Old Town - 3560 N. Marshall Way, Scottsdale
Fairmont Scottsdale Princess - 7575 E Princess Drive, Scottsdale
Fifth Ave Hotel - 424 W Van Buren St, Phoenix
Global Ambassador - 4360 E Camelback Rd,, Phoenix
Graduate Tempe - 225 E Apache Blvd, Tempe
Great Wolf Lodge * - 7333 N Pima Rd, Scottsdale
Hampton Inn & Suites Phx North/Happy Valley * - 2550 W Charlotte Dr, Phoenix
Hampton Inn and Suites Flagstaff - 2400 S Beulah Blvd, Flagstaff
Hampton Inn Anthem - 42415 N. 41st Dr, Anthem
Hampton Inn Phoenix Airport North * - 601 N 44th Street, Phoenix
Hampton Inn Phoenix-Biltmore * - 2310 E Highland Ave, Phoenix
Hampton Inn Phoenix/Tempe ASU * - 1415 N Scottsdale Rd, Tempe
Hampton Inn Scottsdale * - 10101 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale
Hampton Inn Scottsdale North - 16620 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale
Hampton Inn Scottsdale Riverwalk * - 9550 E. Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale
Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Airport North * - 3838 E Van Buren Street, Phoenix
Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix North Happy Valley - 1940 West Pinnacle Peak Road, Phoenix
Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix/Tempe ASU Area * - 86 S Rockford Dr., Tempe
Hilton Garden Inn Scottsdale North * - 8550 E Princess Dr., Scottsdale
Hilton Garden Inn-Oldtown Scottsdale - 7324 E Indian School RD , Scottsdale
Hilton North Scottsdale at Cavasson * - 7965 E Cavasson Blvd, Scottsdale
Hilton Phoenix Resort at the Peak * - 7677 North 16th Street, Phoenix
Hilton Scottsdale Resort and Villas* - 6333 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale
Holiday Inn & Suites Phoenix Airport North - 1515 N 44th Street, Phoenix
Holiday Inn & Suites Phoenix Airport* - 3220 S. 48th St, Phoenix
Holiday Inn & Suites Scottsdale North - Airpark * - 14255 N 87th St, Scottsdale
Holiday Inn Club Vacations * - 7677 E Princess Blvd, Scottsdale
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix Airport North - 800 N. 44th Street, Phoenix
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix North - Happy Valley * - 24655 N 23rd Ave., Phoenix
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix North-Scottsdale * - 4575 E Irma Ln, Phoenix
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix-Tempe - 670 N. Scottsdale Rd, Tempe
Holiday Inn Express Phoenix Tempe - 670 N. Scottsdale Road, Tempe
Holiday Inn Express Scottsdale North * - 7350 E Gold Dust Avenue, Scottsdale
Home2 Suites by Hilton Phoenix Airport North * - 888 N 44th St, Phoenix
Home2 Suites Salt River Scottsdale * - 8401 N Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale
Homewood Suites Airport South * - 4750 E Cotton Center Blvd, Phoenix
Homewood Suites Phoenix Biltmore * - 2001 E. Highland Ave, Phoenix
Homewood Suites Phoenix North-Happy Valley - 2470 W Charlotte Dr., Phoenix
Homewood Suites Phx/Tempe ASU - 66 S Rockford Dr, , Tempe
Homewood Suites Scottsdale North - 9880 N Scottsdale Road, Paradise Valley
Hotel Adeline * - 5101 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Hotel Scottsdale - 3275 N. Drinkwater Blvd, Scottsdale
Hotel Valley Ho - 6850 East Main Street, Scottsdale
Howard Johnson Scottsdale - 7110 E. Indian School Rd, Scottsdale
Hyatt House Scottsdale Old Town - 4245 N Drinkwater Blvd, Scottsdale
Hyatt Place Phoenix/Mesa * - 1422 W. Bass Pro Drive, Mesa
Hyatt Place Scottsdale Old Town - 7300 E 3rd Avenue, Scottsdale
Hyatt Place Tempe - 1413 W. Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe
Hyatt Place Tempe/Phoenix ASU - 601 E 6th St, Tempe
Hyatt Place/House North Scottsdale * - 18513 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Hyatt Regency Downtown Phoenix - (Pickup on Monroe Street North Side) 122 North Second Street, Phoenix
JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge - 5350 East Marriott Dr., Phoenix
JW Marriott Scottsdale Camelback Inn * - 5402 East Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale
Kachina Lodge - Check-In/Check-out at (El Tovar), Grand Canyon
L'Auberge de Sedona - 301 L'Auberge Ln., Sedona
La Quinta Inn & Suites Scottsdale * - 8888 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale
Little America - 2515 E Butler Ave, Flagstaff
Little America Hotel - 2515 E Butler Ave, Flagstaff
Marriott McDowell Mountain * - 16770 North Perimeter Drive, Scottsdale
Marriott Phoenix Airport - 1101 North 44th Street, Phoenix
Marriott's Canyon Villas - 5220 East Marriott Drive, Phoenix
Maswik Lodge - 1 Main St, Grand Canyon
Matterhorn Inn - 230 Apple Ave., Sedona
McDonalds - 3140 W. Carefree Hwy, Phoenix
McDonalds Flagstaff - 4930 US-89, Flagstaff
Motel 6 Scottsdale Fashion Square - 6848 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale
Motel 6 South Scottsdale - 1612 N. Scottsdale Rd, Tempe
Motel 6 Tempe ASU - 1915 E Apache Blvd, Tempe
Mountain Shadows - 5445 E Lincoln Drive, Paradise Valley
Moxy Phoenix Tempe - 1333 S Rural Road, Tempe
Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia - 4949 E. Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale
Omni Tempe - 7 E University Dr., Tempe
Orchards Inn Sedona - 254 North State Route 89A, Sedona
Phoenician Canyon Suites - 6000 E. Camelback Rd, Scottsdale
Phoenician Resort - 6000 E. Camelback Rd, Scottsdale
Radisson Hotel Phoenix Airport * - 427 N 44th Street, Phoenix
RecNation - 1921 W 1st Ave, Mesa
Renaissance Phoenix Downtown - 100 N. 1st Street, Phoenix
Residence Inn Airport North - 801 N. 44th St, Phoenix
Residence Inn Flagstaff - 100 N Humphreys St., Flagstaff
Residence Inn Phoenix Desert View at Mayo Clinic - 5665 E Mayo Blvd, Phoenix
Residence Inn Phoenix North Happy Valley - 2035 W Whispering Wind Drive, Phoenix
Residence Inn Scottsdale Salt River * LOW PORTAL DO NOT ENTER - 5351 N. Pima Road , Scottsdale
Residence Inn Tempe Downtown - 510 S Forest Ave, Tempe
Ritz Carlton Paradise Valley - ,
Rodeway Inn Old Town Scottsdale - 2934 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Rodeway Inn Tempe - 2101 E Apache Blvd., Tempe
Royal Palms Resort and Spa - 5200 East Camelback Road, Phoenix
Sanctuary Resort and Spa - 5700 E Mcdonald Drive, Paradise Valley
Scottsdale Camelback Resort - 6302 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale
Scottsdale Links - Hilton Grand Vacations* - 16858 North Perimeter Drive, Scottsdale
Scottsdale Marriott Old Town - 7325 E. 3rd Ave. , Scottsdale
Scottsdale Plaza Resort * - 7200 North Scottsdale Road, Paradise Valley
Scottsdale Villa Mirage - Hilton Grand Vacations* - 7887 E Princess blvd, Scottsdale
Senna House Scottsdale - 7501 E Camelback Rd., Scottsdale
Shell at Cordes Junction - 14925 S Stagecoach Trail, Cordes Junction
Sheraton Desert Oasis * - 17700 North Hayden Road, Scottsdale
Sheraton Downtown Phoenix - 340 North 3rd Street, Phoenix
Sleep Inn Scottsdale North - 16630 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Sonder the Monarch - 4000 North Drinkwater Boulevard, Scottsdale
Sonest ES Suites - 6040 N. Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Sonesta Select Phoenix * - 2101 East Camelback Road, Phoenix
Sonesta Suites Scottsdale Gainey Ranch * - 7300 E. Gainey Suites Drive, Scottsdale
Springhill Suites Downtown - 802 E. Van Buren St, Phoenix
SpringHill Suites Phoenix Scottsdale - 1500 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Springhill Suites Phoenix/Tempe Airport * - 1601 West Rio Salado Parkway, Tempe
Staybridge Suites Phoenix Biltmore - 2940 N Greenfield Rd, Phoenix
Staybridge Suites Scottsdale * - 9141 E Hummingbird Ln, Scottsdale
SureStay Plus BW Scottsdale North * - 13440 North Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Swift Travel Center - 3099 W Shamrell Blvd,, Flagstaff
Talking Stick Resort * - 9800 Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale
Tempe Mission Palms - 60 East 5th Street, Tempe
The Camby - 2401 East Camelback Road, Phoenix
The Millennium McCormick Scottsdale * - 7421 N Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale
The Scott Resort * - 4925 N Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale
The Scottsdale Resort & Spa - 7700 E McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale
Three Palms Resort - 7707 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale
Thunderbird Lodge - Check-in/Check-out at (Bright Angel), Grand Canyon
Towneplace Suites Scottsdale - 10740 North 90th Street, Scottsdale
Tru Salt River Scotttsdale * - 8401 N Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale
W Hotel Scottsdale [Low Portal Do Not Enter] - 7277 East Camelback Road, Scottsdale
Wendy's - 1897 W Pueblo Ridge Rd, Camp Verde
Westin Kierland Resort - 6902 E Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale
Westin Kierland Villas * - 15620 North Clubgate Drive, Scottsdale
Westin Tempe - 11 E 7th St, Tempe
Worldmark Scottsdale Wyndham * - 8235 E Indian Bend Rd, Scottsdale
Yavapai Lodge - , Grand Canyon
Yavapai Lodge - Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon
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